Are you considering having an outdoor basketball court put into your yard? Basketball is an excellent form of exercise, making having a court put into your property a wonderful choice and way to encourage activity. But did you know that the kind of basketball that you play on your outdoor court is likely different from NBA basketball? There are differences between streetball and basketball! While it’s common for people to shove all forms of basketball under the general ‘basketball’ umbrella, what you play on your outdoor courts is more likely than not a variant of basketball called streetball.
Many people do not realize that there are differences between streetball and basketball, since they have the same general structure and objective. You bounce a ball around your court and try to dunk it through the hoops and keep your opponent from scoring points of their own. That’s that, right? While true that they are very similar, there are actually quite a few differences between streetball and basketball. Here’s what you need to know about the differences between streetball and basketball.
What You Need To Know About Streetball And Basketball
You know how you have professional basketball players who play in these big indoor courts and then you have basketball players who play on outdoor courts in less formal settings, like New York City, and throughout the country? While you can have expert streetball players, there have been instances where they’ve gotten basketball scholarships and ended up dropping out of the program. This is because in spite of their same general structure, there are differences between streetball and basketball.
Unless you are aware of the differences between streetball and basketball, you’d likely be in for quite a shock if you are a basketball player who tried to join in on a streetball game, and vice versa. Here’s what you need to know about the differences between streetball and basketball that make this so.
How Streetball Works
Streetball is a variant of basketball that is played on outdoor courts. It’s much less formal and the rules vary depending on who is playing. It has the same overall objective and idea of basketball – it is street basketball, after all. Streetball is much more improvisational than traditional basketball and requires different court surfaces and types of balls, since it’s played outside.
How Basketball Works
Basketball is typically played in enclosed, specially equipped spaces. It has set rules and regulations and referees who watch out for any fouls. It’s more regulated and standardized and requires special court surfaces and balls for the players to use inside.
What Are The Differences Between Streetball And Basketball?
For two versions of the same sport, there are a surprising number of differences between streetball and basketball! Some of the differences between streetball and basketball are as follows:
- The spaces
Streetball is often played outside, on outdoor courts under the open sky. The court sizes vary and can be much smaller than your traditional basketball court. Basketball is usually played in an enclosed area with specially designed and equipped platforms.
- The number of players
One of the key differences between streetball and basketball is the number of players. You probably don’t have a set team when you play in your backyard – you just play with whoever is there. Basketball has set teams, and you usually know who you are playing with. If you’re playing streetball in the streets, teams constantly change and you probably won’t know your team.
- The positions
Another of the key differences between streetball and basketball is that in basketball, everyone has a set position they are meant to adhere to. In streetball, there is no such thing.
- The play style
Streetball is much more flashy, less structured, and improvisational than basketball. If someone hits you in the face with a ball, they’ll apologize, but it’s not a foul. Basketball has set zones and set-plays and the like, having a more organized structure.
- The rules
As you can gather from the above points, one of the major differences between streetball and basketball is the fact that there are no set rules in streetball while there are in basketball. Streetball is a lot more physical than basketball, people can self-call fouls, and generally is not subject to all the considerations of basketball.
- The energy levels
Basketball tends to have higher energy, due to the fact that it is a more professional sport and people need to try hard to succeed. Streetball is more often than not played for fun, so in general, the energy is more random and laidback.
As you can see, though streetball and basketball are almost the same, there are quite a few differences between streetball and basketball. They both require similar skill sets, though, and they are both excellent for your health, not to mention fun!
If you want to be respected as a Street Footballer then these are the commandments that you must follow.
1. Always have a ball with you
A ball is the basic necessity of any footballer. Street Footballers take carrying a ball to a whole new extreme, some even sleep with a ball. Make sure to have a ball so you never miss a game opportunity.
2. Respect other street footballers
Respect is essential. There’s no shaming of another street footballer, respect the level that they are at. Don’t go onto social media to call anyone out, you’ll end up looking lie an idiot.
3. Develope your own style
Style and flair is what defines a street footballer. Learn what style you like most and what suits you best, whether it’s bright or blackout boots, or even if you prefer Nike or Adidas. Make your own style and stand out.
4. Panna is king
There’s no other moment in football that brings out the emotion and ultimately the humiliation of the Panna. A simple way of saying this is, if you get a Panna against you…… run home…. ASAP.
5. Match doesn’t end till the floodlights are turned off
Play all day and all night. Street Footballers live and die to play, so just keep on playing. If there’s no opposition, practice till the lights go out. Then get up early the next day and do it all over. The Life of a street footballer.
Follow these commandments and you’ll be the boss of a Street Footballer in no time. 😎